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West Mary
West Mary
West Mary, based in NAshville, TN (USA) is the long time sonic collaboration of Ben Henry (Lesser Pauls, the Have and the Have Nots) and Ben Lowry (Bang OK Bang, The One Through Tens).
8 years after the release of their second album, "Music is for Crazy People" West Mary is happy to announce the release of their third album, "Apotheosis".
Better described as a series of movements rather than as a collection of songs, the recording serves to obscure even further any type of boundary between genres previously touched upon by the band in their first two releases.
"Apotheosis" was recorded and produced by the band from August 2013 to January 2015 at a crematorium in Nashville TN.

"Apotheosis" began as an unplanned knee-jerk reaction to the prevailing attitudes towards music that one encounters on a daily basis in a city such as Nashville, that attitude being one of self service with an eye towards commerce and sales.
Gone, it seems, are the days of music as a communal experience, as a journey into the nameless void.
Gone too, it seems, is the notion of music as an impetus for healing and growth.
All too often the integrity of music appears to be relegated to a position of subservience to the almighty god of commerce.
Led by a strong belief that music (and all art for that matter) should serve the purpose of growth and healing, not only for the individual but on a collective level as well, West Mary set about to do nothing more than draw symbols out of the womb of subconsciousness with a hope that they could serve to benefit all people regardless of; who they are, where they are, or what they believe.
After a year and a half of recording the band finally realized that in order to fulfill their intended purpose they had to release the music to the world in as non-commercial of a manner as is possible, which they found in with it's donation-only option.
What began as a reactionary endeavor has come to fruition as a conscious attempt by the band to help others.


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Релизы: Apotheosis.

Language: ruРусский | enEnglish

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